Book Savants is a review blog that started in 2010. On this blog you'll find reviews for fiction, nonfiction, short stories, films, television, games and more. But primarily Book Savants focuses on...books!
What is a savant?
noun sa·vant \sa-ˈvänt, sə-, -ˈväⁿ; sə-ˈvant, ˈsa-vənt\
a person of learning; especially : one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field (as of science or literature)
Why candid?
We all have opinions and it's great to express those. I encourage you to share yours as well in comments or posts of your own. If you're looking for unbiased, polished reviews check out Amazon's product descriptions.
Why mostly spoiler-free?
The best part of reading and enjoying art is experiencing it for yourself undiluted by opinions of others. I hope to provide you with enough information to decide if you're interested and offer conversation through comments if you want a little more. Nobody wants to hear how a suspense novel ends and then read from page one knowing the outcome.