Friday, July 24, 2015

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Stephen King is, without a doubt, one of my top five favorite authors (if not the very first!). So a review for 11/22/63 comes easily to me as I have no disappointment in it or the familiar writing style that encapsulates and engages my imagination for days on end.

Author, Stephen King
11/22/63 answers a question: "What could interfering with the past do the future?" It's tested through various adventures into the past changing first a small thing, then maybe a bigger thing later. But the most interesting and unique thing about 11/22/63 is that time travel happens by descending a particular "invisible staircase" in a closet. Each time you enter the past (always the exact same date and time) you reset all previous changes you made as if you'd never interfered. And even if you spend five years in the past, when you return to the present you've only been gone two minutes. Fascinating.

I encourage you to read this book and see what could happen if JFK's assassin was unsuccessful. I encourage you to put yourself in Jake Epping's shoes and experience the present and the past as he encounters complications in both. Where would you want to stay? What would you want to do? How would you handle the responsibility? Especially when you knew the past didn't want to be changed and would throw obstacles in your path if you tried - jeopardizing your life, even.

Be sure to check for 11/22/63 at your local library or purchase it on Amazon.

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