Pi in the Sky tells the tale of Joss, the seventh (and youngest) son of the Supreme Overlord of the Universe. Joss and each of his brothers are responsible for some aspect of the managing/operating of their home, The Realms, which exists entirely within dark matter and is the "control center" of the universe. Because time moves incredibly slowly in The Realms and all inhabitants have a seemingly infinite life span, Joss has been a teenager for what literally feels like "forever". Entire planets and species can come into existence and disappear again in what seems like no time at all to Joss and The Realms.
One planet in particular, however, has survived by the laws of nature and by allowance of The PTB (Powers that Be) for an exceptionally long time...until almost-thirteen-year-old Annika of Earth accidentally catches a glimpse of The Realms through her telescope. To keep the universe unaware of The Realms' existence, The PTB orders the removal of Earth from ever having existed in time or space. It's an unfortunate fact that Joss' best pal Kal's parents were on Earth at the time and seem to have disappeared as well, erasing Kal as well soon afterwards.
Author Wendy Mass |
It's up to Joss and Annika to bring Earth back. A seemingly impossible task but with just the right amounts of courage, determination and friendship - it might just happen. Maybe some hydrogen, nitrogen, helium and silicon too, but that's beside the point.
Find out more about The Realms, Joss and his "royal family" and whether or not Earth has a chance to return to space and time in Pi in the Sky by Wendy Mass.
Check out Pi in the Sky at your local library. You can find a free preview of the first 7 chapters of Pi in the Sky for Amazon Kindle or buy the hardcover book here. It is also available as an unabridged audio edition via Audible.
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