The rest of the graphic novel tells the tale of father and son on the road, running from Looney's men. Finding that Al Capone's allegiance still remains with Looney, Michael is forced to avenge the death of his family on his own with Michael O'Sullivan Jr. alongside. Michael Sr. is a noble man but his son puts it best when he says his father was no saint but he also wasn't a butcher.
Tyler Hoechlin as Michael O'Sullivan Jr. |
One of the most precious parts of the film to me was the fact that the son never had to murder. He held a gun several times and nearly killed Jude Law's character, Harlen (an assassin hired by Nitti, Capone's man, at the approval of Looney) before his father stepped in and saved his son the lifetime burden. In the graphic novel however, Michael Jr. saves his father's life by killing a man intending to do the same to Michael Sr.
Another major difference between the film and graphic novel would be the fact that Jude Law's character, Harlen, doesn't even exist in the graphic novel. I loved his character in the film and how he tracked the O'Sullivans throughout the story but sorely missed his presence and demeanor in the book.
Jude Law as Harlen, the assassin from the film Road to Perdition |
The adaptation from book to film was, aside from previously mentioned major differences, very impressive. I hadn't realized how graphic novels were similar to films until I found myself engrossed in the "rat tat tats," "bam bam blams," and the fast, thrilling story line of outstanding art and character. When reading a traditional novel, detail is the jewel - graphic novels, however, play to the imagination, the reader's interpretation of art stills and a dynamic story line.
This was my first graphic novel experience. Having previously thought graphic novels and comics were for men and women enthralled with the pleasures of their youths, I must admit how sorely mistaken I was. Graphic novels span all ages, imaginations and interests. I'm glad I took a ride on The Road to Perdition and I hope you will too.
film images property of Dreamworks and Twentieth Century Fox
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